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Integrative Practice Program Info Session
Integrative Practice Program Info Session

Integrative Practice Program Info Session

This autumn, Yeshe is offering a three-month online integrative practice program, rich in instruction on listening, contemplating, and meditating, with individualized guidance and practice support. This information session is for anyone wanting to learn more about this unique Dharma opportunity.

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Schedule & Location

22 ago 2020, 11:00 – 12:00 GMT-6

Online via Zoom video conference



Join Yeshe for an introduction to the integrative practice of listening, contemplating, and meditating, and hear details about the program she will offer to a select group this autumn. There will be ample opportunity to get answers to your questions.

Registration for this session includes a questionnaire about your availability for the program this autumn.

Program is subject to participant interest. Class size is limited to maximize individualized attention.


Our Integrative Practice Program is a result of the nearly twenty years we each have spent living, practicing, and teaching the threefold practice of listening, contemplating, and meditating, which the Buddha highlights from his earliest teachings. 

A vital and engaging approach to embodying the Dharma from the inside out, integrative practice has served as the crucible for cultivating knowledge in traditional Buddhist systems for centuries. It is generally not well known, however, among contemporary Buddhist centers in the West. Much of our Dharma work at Prajna Fire is aimed at remedying precisely that.

In January 2020, the Hemera Foundation added valuable fuel to this aspiration, by awarding Yeshe a Tara Project Teachers' Support Fund Grant in recognition of her work generally, and to develop instructional materials on integrative practice in particular. Creating an integrative practice program is a cornerstone of Yeshe's grant project: an intimate and deep immersion into this intriguing, time-tested practice.


The Autumn 2020 program itself is unanticipated, but its time has come. Our annual work at Pullahari monastery in Nepal is postpoined until next fall due to the coronavirus. Zopa will have his nose buried in his graduate school textbooks until end of the year. And Zoom literacy has, well, zoomed in the last several months. When life hands you challenges, make merit, we always say!

The program centers on instruction sessions via Zoom online video conference, likely on Saturdays and Sundays of either the second or third weekends of September through November. 

In addition, the program includes:

  • support for creating your own individual meditation cloister to optimize instruction weekends
  • monthly one-hour private sessions with Yeshe to enhance your practice development
  • community building through discussion and other group opportunities, and 
  • supplementary assignments both on and off the cushion

This is the first time we have been able to offer such a comprehensive program--it is not to be missed!


Opening Session: Thu Sep 17, 2020

Instruction & Cloister Weekends

  • Sat Sep 19 - Sun Sep 20, 2020
  • Sat Oct 17 - Sun Oct 18, 2020
  • Sat Nov 14 - Sun Nov 15, 2020

Closing Session: Sat Dec 12, 2020

The September weekend is auspicious in more than just the Tibetan calendar--it coincides with Rosh Hashanah. Do let me know if you celebrate. 

Session times will await group selection, to address relevant time zones. Opening and closing sessions are an hour long. Each day of the instruction weekends includes one two-hour group teaching session. The remainder of each instruction day will be structured individually for each participant to hold space for personal meditation cloister and allow for each participant's health, family, and other essential obligations.



The information session is free to all. 

Donation for the Autumn 2020 program is optional and offered at each participant's discretion. At the request of the supporters who make our Dharma work possible, a comparable value for the program will be posted as a guideline for gauging a dana offering. Full scholarships will be freely available, as always. 

Visit our Donations page if you are interested in supporting our Dharma work.

May there be abudant benefit for all that lives!



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