Central to the Buddha Shakyamuni’s approach to integrating his teachings into our everyday lives is the threefold process of listening to, contemplating, and meditating on the Dharma we encounter. Engaging the Dharma in this way yields prajna, or precise knowledge, in a corresponding threefold progression. Tending prajna’s fire allows it to grow further and further, until it eradicates mistaken ways of knowing altogether, becoming the unceasing flame of nondual wisdom.
Karma Zopa Jigme and Karma Yeshe Chodron are American-born Kagyu practitioners and students of Kyabje Bokar Rinpoche for over twenty years, engaging in the study of Tibetan language and Buddhist philosophy, and the practice of intensive individual and group retreat throughout. In 2005, they became teachers and translators at the Rigpe Dorje Institute for International Students at Pullahari Monastery in Kathmandu, seat of the Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoches in Nepal, under the guidance of Drupon Khenpo Lodro Namgyal. In 2016, they successfully completed three-year cloistered meditation retreat in the Karma Kamtsang lineage under the auspices of Kyabje Thrangu Rinpoche at Vajra Vidya Retreat Center in Crestone, Colorado, serving as translators for retreat master Khenpo Jigme and philosophy master Khenpo Lobzang alongside their intensive undertaking of seminal Karma Kagyu lineage practices.
Yeshe and Zopa are passionate about sharing trustworthy traditional methods for transmitting experiential understanding of Buddhadharma with Western students.

Dharma Offerings
- Sat Feb 8, 15, 22, 2025 at 2-4pm MST
- HYBRID - monthly on first Friday
- ONLINE - Tues at 3:30pm, Thurs at 9am US MT
- New Moon days each month
- Ongoing